Printing of a price list

If you are a wholesaler or distributor, you will often form more price lists for different groups of partners, which can be retail, wholesale, hotels and restaurants… Wouldn’t it be a good idea to keep all your product and price information in one table and print it, by desired criteria, when needed for each specific customer? Let’s see the practical application of the Advanced Filter option…

Student performance analysis

With the exception of the IF function, Excel has multitude of logical functions that are often unfairly neglected. The AND, OR, and XOR functions are also used to test the one or more conditions. The first returns TRUE if all conditions are met, the second if at least one of the conditions is met, and the third is used to examine cases where at least one but not all conditions are met. These functions can be used to analyze student performance on exams.

Filtering by date

The FILTER function can also contain multiple criteria, and if we want to consider them all at the same time, they must be in parentheses, separated by an asterisk. This is a convenient way to filter sales results by date, and set the criterion by changing the year and month values ​​from the drop-down list we have created by using Data Validation option.

Dynamic categories

One of the earlier “recipes” mentioned categories and subcategories. If you remember, we wanted to make it possible to automatically create a list with a selection of subcategories by selecting a category from the list generated with Data Validation. We could have done this by applying a few tricks, but the list, in addition to the necessary values, contained “empty slots”. This can be easily avoided today with the help of dynamic arrays.

The Game of Life

The Game of Life is an old programmer’s puzzle that teaches teenagers to write and analyse their own code. The goal of the game is to simulate the development (life and death) of cells within one organism. An organism is a matrix of arbitrary size, and the rules are as follows: if a cell is alive and surrounded by 2 or 3 living cells, it will survive. If there is an empty position and is surrounded by 3 living cells, a new cell will be born. How to create this simulation in Excel?