Comparative review

Sometimes it is necessary to open two Excel files and perform a comparative review. This can be done in several ways but one of the most effective is by using the View Side By Side option. In the text that follows, you will see how this option is used, and as an example, we will take two files containing lists of employees with the value of their salaries in two comparative years.

Open the two files you want to compare. Then go to the View ribbon and select the View Side By Side option. The two windows with open files will be placed one below the other. Below this option there are two more. The first of these, Synchronous Scrolling, if enabled, allows you to scroll both open files simultaneously as you navigate through them. The third option Reset Window Position is used if we move one of the windows to return it to its starting position.

If we want the windows to be arranged differently, we need to select the Arrange All option in the View ribbon. Running it will open a window of the same name in which we can choose the configuration of the windows that contain open Excel files.