Entering phone numbers
When you enter phone numbers in a cell, you must enter them as text which means that you should add an apostrophe before entering the number. In this case, it is best to enter the number in international format. If you don’t want to think about codes and calling numbers, you can retrieve this data from the auxiliary records, and then join them with the help of the TEXTJOIN function. You will find out how to enter email addresses and phone numbers in the following text.
We start with a simple table containing a list of employees at the fictitious company “XYZ”. If you want to add an eMail address in cell G3, you need to enter the following formula:
=TEXTJOIN(“@”,,LEFT(B3,SEARCH(” “,B3)-1),”xyz.rs”)
In this way, we extract the name from the first and last name column, and then add the domain address to it. We could have used a different rule for eMail address formation, but this seems to be quite satisfactory. We can copy the formula to the rest of the cells in the column…
Then, based on the employee’s code, and the auxiliary records where country and city area codes are stored, with the use of the TEXTJOIN function, we will create an international phone number record: