Excel kitchenette
I have to admit that my interest in cooking lasts far beyond than my playing with spreadsheet applications. Nevertheless, Excel and me “know each other” for more than 25 years, and this blog is born as a product of my desire to share my experience with you. Excel has far more possibilities that you can ever imagine. That’s the reason I am learning all the time. I hope that my knowledge, sublimed in these short “recipes” will bring you motive to learn and fall in love with Excel as I did.
This blog is primarily made for people from X Yugoslavia, and I am using Latin letters for reason that everyone can understand me. We all use the same language, which is much older that our disputes.
“Recipes” are grouped by areas: basic concepts, sharing and security, functions, reporting, analysis, automation, VBA, business intelligence… “Specialties of the House” are also “recipes”. They sometimes cover several areas, and aim to show how to solve a problem in an elegant way. PowerBI is a special segment of “recipes” that deal with this service and platform for creating business reports. Although we go beyond Excel, the technologies it uses overlap greatly with my favorite MS Office application. Finally, there is Teams as an umbrella application that aims to facilitate communication and collaboration on the project. I will not deal with this in detail, but during their implementation, I wrote a short guide that became part of this site.
All “recipes” are written in Serbian and translated into English. For practical reasons, I did not allow commenting on “recipes”, but if you have suggestions or questions, feel free to write to me. If you like a text, you can share it with your friends on social networks.