
We meet the hyperlinks every day while surfing the Internet, and they have long time ago become part of Office applications. In Excel, this is often an unfairly ignored functionality. In addition to allowing you to go to an Internet presentation or write a letter to the specified e-mail address, a link can also be used to create a new document or position it on a prefix in an existing document.

Hyperlinks are most often added to objects. An object can be Excel control, image, or any other graphic object. On this occasion, we created two worksheets: PRVA (FIRST) and DRUGA (SECOND). On the first worksheet, we added a rectangle with the text DRUGA (SECOND), and on the second rectangle with the text PRVA (FIRST). Let’s go to another worksheet and click the right mouse button above the rectangles we created. In the context menu, we see the Hyperlink option. If you select this option, the dialog box for adding a link will open.


Clicking on the Existing File or Web Page will display options for adding a link to a file or web page. Here, we can enter the address of the web site (eg https://www.excelk.com) or find the link to the file on the disk that we want to open by clicking on the rectangle. The E-Mail Address option allows us to enter the e-mail address, title, and text message we want to send. The message is sent over a meaningful e-mail client, which is most commonly Outlook. The Create New Document option allows us to create a new Excel document at a given location. Also, we can choose whether to change it immediately or not. Finally, clicking on Place in This Document opens a set of options to locate where we will position by clicking on the rectangle to which the link is attached. In the Type The Cell Reference field, enter the reference cell of the cell to be positioned. For example, if you enter the PRVA!C6 address, by clicking on the hyperlink, you will be positioned on cell C6 in the first worksheet. If we click on the ScreenTip button we will be able to enter a short comment that will appear when we are positioned above the link.


If, after creating a link, we repeat the process and open the context menu, there will be three options. By clicking Edit Hyperlink, we can change the existing link, by Open Hyperlink it is activated, and by clicking Remove Hyperlink, we remove the link from the object.

Links are a convenient way to enable easy navigation between worksheets. In this way we can create an user interface to work in simple Excel applications.