Power BI tables in Excel

For several years now, Power BI and Excel have been developing side by side with the idea that analysts do not save all their tables exclusively on a local computer, OneDrive or SharePoint repositories, but that they can also download them from Power BI reports that are published on the company’s tenant. If you use a Microsoft365 subscription that is connected to a company account, you can easily retrieve such tables.

Minus and plus

When, as a result of subtracting two values in an Excel table, you get a negative result, sometimes you don’t want the negation sign to be seen. This requirement can be solved in several ways: by formatting the display of the number using the Accounting style, by using function that calculates the absolute value of the number or by creating custom format that will display number in a manner that suits you better.

Splitting columns

For a certain period of time, when I need to split data in a column, my first choice is to use the Power Query add-in and the Split Columns option. However, there are still users who do not know how to use it, so I remembered that for this purpose we can also use the Excel option Text to Columns. In this “recipe” you will find out a practical way how to split one column into several.

Consolidated list of products

Imagine this scenario: you register customers in an Excel spreadsheet, specifying their ID and then the products they use. Which customer uses which products? One way to get this answer is to create a pivot table, and then display customers, products and the number of products. The disadvantage of this report is that pivot tables always aggregate data. What if we only need a table with customer ID in one column and a consolidated list of products in another?

How old is the owner of JMBG?

The unique identity number of citizens (JMBG) was created in the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, and is still used today in the Republic of Serbia, for the purpose of identifying citizens. It is a mandatory datum in the identity card, driver’s license, health card, passport and all other important documents. Its first 9 digits indicate the date of birth. How to calculate the age of the JMBG holder based on this data?