Universal shortcuts

Excel shortcuts are often unfairly neglected, although their daily use achieves a higher speed in operation, which makes us much more productive. Experienced users make use of shortcuts. The good news is that most of the shortcuts are of universal nature and can be applied in most Windows programs. If you teach them, you will become much more effective working with any of them! Here we will mention some of those most commonly used in practice.

Shortcuts for finding and replacing content

When working with large tables often are used shortcuts for search and replacement cell contents. Searching content is done by combining the CTRL + F (Find) key and replacing the content by using the CTRL + H (Replace) key combination. By launching any of these options, when choosing the Home toolbar or the specified shortcuts, the same dialog box opens with two tabs: Find and Replace. Depending on the desired action, select the card and then fill in the options of the dialog window.