
We often come across Excel documents that have multiple reports found in several worksheets. If you want to find the report you want, click on the tab with the name of the corresponding worksheet. However, this is not always the optimal solution. In order to facilitate positioning on the desired report, we introduce links that we have attached to certain forms. That is, we introduce a navigation panel to navigate within the document.

When dashboard becomes alive…

Every manager’s dream is to have a big screen in front of him with a dashboard that provides information about (almost) everything that happens in his company. And can this work in real time? Yes, and this feature has been around since October 2019 for all Power BI Professional and Premium users who use DirectQuery to load the Data Model. Recently, some novelties are available that make this process even more efficient …

PowerBI workspace

Workspace, as its name says, is used for the integration of data, reports and dashboards that is used in your daily work. The default workspace is called My Workspace and everything you create (datasets, reports, dashboards) is kept on this site, unless otherwise is specified. This post is word about how to create custom workspaces and use them to share content with other users. This functionality is enabled only in PowerBI Pro version.

Power BI, publishing on web

Companies sometimes have the need to publish reports that are of importance for the various concerned parties (customers, suppliers, shareholders, banks) such as balance sheet, income statement, inventory… If you connect with ERP or BI solution, and further import data to PowerBI and create reports and dashboards, there is an option to generate a link for sharing PowerBI reports on external web site.

Power BI dashboards

In a previous “recipe” you’ve met PowerBI work environment and ways to create reports and dashboards. In the following post I will introduce you to the featured dashboards, favorites, groups and workspaces, display and filtering the content that appears in the menu. Also, there will be words and the additional options to edit, add content and share dashboards. Most of these options can be used in the free variant PowerBI service.